Upcoming Light Mission Programs
1. 21st to 26th January 2013 Light Mission will be having a week of , afternoon Gospel Crusade , Morning Hours door to door Evangelism as well as a seminar in Kasegejje Wakiso District.
2. 24th Feb 2013 ''Light Mission Special Worship Day with Evangelist Ivan Ssewankambo in a Powerful Deliverance service
3. 22nd April to 5th May 2013 "Light Mission" to Budaka District one of the poorest district in Uganda and for this it going to be the most powerful mission of all as we have organized a very heavy package which will include Soda Bottle Light System installation in homes, Trainings of local leaders, Door to door evangelism, Bible Give out, Mosquito Nets, Orphans needs.
4. August 2013 ''Light Mission to Kamuli (Iganga District)
That's briefly VCU Year plan for the Light Mission Program and inorder to fulfill these life changing programs we need sponsor to help us facilitate them (this goes to transportation, Ministers' Facilitations, Bible Purchase, and many others). Let us know how you would love to support. For more details on each mission dates: info@vangracecompassion.net