Vangrace Compassion Ministries

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13th-18th May 2013-Budaka Gospel Mission Report

Programs done by Vangrace Compassion Uganda to bring hope , love and compassion to these Desolated Communities:- ORPHAN SUPPORT Giving education, medication, food & general support and to provide this , we need your sponsorship to give us financial support. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM "Living life on Purpose" Volunteering in many of our yearly life changing programs and projects.

Nandere Village one of the poorest / desolated communities now taken up Vangrace Compassion Uganda Life Changing Programs and that is convered with a number of witch doctors or taken up with High level of Witchcraft. Now left on fire for Jesus Christ after an Healing and Delivarence Gospel crusade with Evangelist Ivan Ssewankambo a man that God has annointed and called to minister to the poor and set captives free from the Evil bondages.