In Uganda, the church has seen remarkable evangelistic efforts and numerical growth in the last decades, but however many churches have not emphasized the discipleship programs which has left many Christian spiritually stunted. The body of Christ in Uganda must be led into a growing relationship with God through the method that Jesus Christ established – true discipleship. Youths and other elderly people have a great potential to transform their community if they are well equipped with the word of God.
Matthew 4:9 ‘And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men’, So through the discipleship training, the youths, elderly people and other ministers are equipped, taught the word of God, and empowered to becoming fishers of men and continue serving the Lord as well as the communities they live in as Christ commanded us to do.
Has God been talking to you about sharing you faith with others but you do not know where to start from?
Has He laid a particular people group or country on your heart?
Do you know that God is calling you to be a labourer in the fields that are ready to be harvested?
A gift of $35 per month can enable us to train an evangelist or equip a church with resources to reach those who are lost, to those that are eager and yearning to know who God really is. Join us today to make the world a better place for Christians.