A theological college in Uganda..... Invited to their annual conference ... a renowned professor as their..... Guest lecturer.
He spoke for two and one-half hours..... "Establishing proofs”..... That the resurrection of Jesus.... never took place.
The professor quoted scholar after scholar and book after book.
He concluded that since there was no such thing as.... the historical resurrection ... the religious tradition of the church.... was groundless.
It was all emotional mumbo-jumbo ... because it was based on a relationship with a risen Jesus, who, in fact ... never rose from the dead in any literal sense.
After this verbal dissertation he moved back from the lectern and asked if there were any questions.
After about 30 seconds ... an elderly pastor with a head of woolly white hair ...... stood up in the back of the auditorium.
"Doctor Professor ... I have one question", he said..... As all eyes turned toward him.
He reached into his sack lunch.... and pulled out an apple and began eating it.
CRUNCH, "My question is a simple question” ...CRUNCH ... "Now, I have never read those books you've read"...CRUNCH... "And I can't recite the Scriptures in the original Greek"...CRUNCH... "I know nothing' about Niebuhr and Heidegger"....CRUNCH ...He finished the apple. "
All I want to know is: ..... This apple I just ate------was it bitter or was it sweet?"
The professor paused for a moment and answered in a scholarly fashion: ..... "I cannot possibly answer that question ... for I haven't tasted your apple".
The elderly preacher dropped the core of his apple into his crumpled paper bag ... looked up at the professor and said calmly ... "Neither have you tasted .... My Jesus."
The 1,000 plus in attendance could not contain themselves ... the auditorium erupted with applause and cheers.
The professor thanked his audience and promptly left the platform.
Beloved.....It is all about Jesus...... It is all about Jesus this morning (evening) and every morning (evening).
Hear Paul's Words to us today: BIBLE "For he has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son".
The Colossians were well taught by Epaphras a faithful minister of Christ (v7) but it became clear to Epaphres that the Colossian Church was having problems with false teaching.
These problems were shared with Paul ...... thus came the letter..... to the Colossians.
These false teachers were extremely confused about Creation..... And the physical realm.
These false teachers insisted that all matter was evil.... including the human body.
They taught that Jesus Christ did not have a real body..... Since this would have put Him in contact with evil matter.
The results of these false teachings were tragic.... including extreme self-denial and austerity ....on the one hand ...... to unbridled
After all.... If the physical world is totally sinful..... You either try to enslave it..... Or you sinfully.... enjoy it.
The truth is they really did not know Jesus. Jesus is fully man and Jesus is fully God.
In his letter to the Colossians Paul brings forth the truth of who Jesus is.
Jesus existed before Creation (Colossians 1:15).
In Paul's letter ... he uses the term firstborn which does not refer to time..... It refers to status.
Jesus Christ was not the first being created ... since the scriptures tell us..... Jesus ... is the Creator of all things. ..... All Things!
Firstborn simply means "of first importance ... of first rank."
Solomon was certainly Not Born First of all of David's sons ... yet he was named the firstborn in the Psalms (Psalms 89:27)...... The first of importance!
Firstborn of all Creation means "prior to all Creation."
Beloved....Jesus Christ is not a created being ...He is eternal.
Paul used the word image to make this fact perfectly clear.
It means....... "An exact representation and revelation.”......... Begotten not made.
The writer to the Hebrews affirms that Jesus Christ is quote "The express image of His Person" (Hebrews 1:3). The Image of the Godhead.
Jesus was able to say ...”He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father" (John 14:9).
Beloved ... It is all about Jesus.
The Apostle John explains it with these words. BIBLE "In God's essence, he is invisible; ...... but Jesus Christ has revealed Him to us" ( John 1:18).
It is only in Jesus..... That the invisible God is revealed..... Perfectly.
Jesus Christ.... is and always has been.... He is eternal.
God from God ... Light from Light ... true God from true God ... Begotten not made.
It is no wonder that the winds and waves obeyed Him ... that diseases and death fled from Him ...for Jesus.... is Master over all.
It is all about Jesus.
Jesus existed before Creation and Jesus created all things.
All things in heaven and on earth ... visible and invisible. ............. All things..... All Things are under His command.
If everything in creation exists for Jesus ... then nothing can be evil of itself ... except maybe Satan and the fallen angels ... but even those God uses..... To accomplish His will.
God's creation ... even though under bondage to sin (Romans 8:22), can be used for God's glory ...... and enjoyed ...... by God's people.
Jesus existed before Creation, Jesus created all things. And Jesus holds all things together (v. 17).
A guide.... took a group of people through an atomic laboratory and explained how all matter was composed of rapidly moving particles.
The tourists studied the models of molecules.... and were amazed to learn ...... that matter is made up primarily..... Of empty space.
During the question period... one visitor asked ... "If this is the way matter works ...what holds it all together?"
For that ... the guide said there are many theories..... But there is no definitive answer.
But the Scriptures..... Have the answer.
And As Christians...... We have the answer:
It is..... And always has been..... Jesus Christ!
"He is before all things," he created all things and He holds all things together.
It may seem at times that Satan is in control of this world.... but our God..... Our God is on the thrown;
He is El Shaddai.... the Almighty One.
The words of this historical hymn speak so much truth.
This is my Father's world
O let me ne'er forget
That Though the wrong
Seems oft so strong
God is the ruler yet
Beloved .... Jesus Christ made all things ... He controls all things ... and by Him all things are held together.
Jesus is the Head of the church ... and as Paul proclaims...... He is also the Firstborn from the dead.
The Apostle Paul speaks a wonderful truth when using the word born in connection with death, though the two concepts seem opposed to each other.
But the tomb.... was a womb.... from which Christ came forth in victory, for death could not hold Him (Acts 2:24).
Praise God.... We have Victory in Jesus....... It is all about Jesus! Christ is the First Born of all creation.
Hear God’s Word: BIBLE "That in all things Christ might have first place .... In everything.... or as the King James states: .... That in all things Christ.... might have pre-eminence" (Colossians 1:18).
The Greek word translated "first place or pre-eminence" is used nowhere else in the New Testament. ..... Nowhere else!
It is related to the word translated "firstborn,”..... And it magnifies ...... the unique position of Jesus.
"Christ is all ... and in all" (Colossians 3:11).
The Scriptures are clear... The Greek is Clear. Christ alone.... is the way the truth and the life.
Now the false teachers would never give Jesus Christ the place of pre-eminence;
To them..... He was not the way the truth and the life (John 14:6); Rather, ...... He was to them.... but one rung on the ladder!
In Charles Colson book...... "The Faith given once for all" and I commend it to you.
He shares this truth ...... concerning many in the Main line churches.
Colson States: When doctrine and truth are abandoned ... when the authority of the Scriptures is denied..... You do not get liberal Christianity.
For it is not Christianity at all.
You get a whole new humanistic religion.
You get.... A Religion that is perverted by man.... A Religion that attacks the Pre-eminence of Christ.... A Religion that denies the authority of the Godhead.
Beloved.... Hold..... to the truth.
Jesus is the way, Jesus is the truth, and Jesus is the life.
There is only one arbitrator who can bring God and man together..... And that is Jesus Christ ....the One who is both fully God and fully Man.
He was God in human flesh (John 1:14). Jesus is who he says he is.
It is only in Jesus Christ that the invisible God is revealed ...... perfectly.
And the Scriptures proclaim the power that lies in his name.
For even at the name of Jesus.... Satan will surely flee. ....... It is all about Jesus.
Beloved ... It is all.... about Jesus
Amen! & Amen!