I am super excited and encouraged in my spirit today.
Because God is so good! Not only is He good; He’s faithful! He’s merciful. He’s just. He is a loving God. He’s kind. He’s a provider. He’s a way-maker. He’s a deliverer. He’s a healer.
I am here to tell somebody: “Don’t throw in the towel just yet”. Though it may appear that all hope is gone, that everyone else is finishing the race without you, It Ain’t Over!!!! Don’t give up just yet.
Today many want to quit due to the various situations and trials facing their life. However, God has blessings for you that if you don’t quit you will see His promises for your life.
I want to talk to people that have hopeless situation at the moment.
Hope-less- situation, because of what your doctor said or because of what your circumstances are saying.
A Hope-less situation does not mean that God has left you
Just because things don’t work out exactly how we planned them does not mean that God is not at work in your life.
No matter what your situation is saying, I can tell you that God is at work in your liFe at the moment.
The visions in our text today, Ezekiel 37 - included dialogue between God and Prophet Ezekiel in the case of the valley of dry bones-
The place is a graveyard, it is a cemetery, they are dry bones
The symbolism is of- a people- whose hope- has died- and has been dead- for- a long time.
This is a situation where there is no future, just bones, no body, just bones, and no signs of life.
The Lord asked him a question that God is asking you today about your situation – CAN THIS DRY BONE LIVE?
Ezekiel looks at the bones, he sees no possibility of a return to life
Ezekiel said there seems to be no human solutions- for this hope-less situation for they are very dry and it’s only you God that knows.
Ezekiel said "Lord- you know". In other words he is saying I don’t God but you do.
Why did he said that? He believes this situation is so out of human comprehension.
Lord know if it’s going to work out for you,
God know if you are going to be healed you know-
It’s only God that knows if you and God knows if you are going to be delivered.
It’s only God that knows if you are going make it or not.
I know you don’t know, but God know.
There are some situations we face in which human solutions
will not work- the only thing that will work will be--- hearing from God!
I brought the word of God to you today that it is not over because God hasn’t say so.
Ezekiel hears from God, Ezekiel receives instructions from God that he must prophesy; he must speak to the dry bones now.
Ezekiel had to go down to the graveyard and tell dead dry bones that God’s word said It ain’t over until
God says it’s over.
Ezekiel had to go down to the cemetery and tell the dead dry bones that God is not thru with them yet for I know you feel like dying, but God is not thru, I know you’ve lost hope but God has not finish with you yet.
Ezekiel had to go down to the valley of the shadow of death and tell death that God will enter them.
Listen the transformation and restoration all started by hearing of word. The word was the beginning of the process that brings back these hopeless back to life.
You may be in a situation that looks hopeless, it may look like the end is near and it’s time to give up, it may look as if you’ve lost... well, it doesn’t matter what it may look like, the final outcome will come when God says it’s over. Man may count you out, the enemy may tell you you’ve lost, the chance for victory may look impossible, but it’s not
over until the Lord says it’s over.
Your turnaround comes when you begin to hear from God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God!....
Who is talking to you, which report do you believe?
You have to hear from God, if you are going to be fruitful, if your marriage’s is going to live.
Words have power. Speak the word! Prophesy the word! Declare the Word!
God asked Ezekiel to preach, speak to dry bones but notice what happens when he preaches- God’s word---- to these bones.
V 7- Says that something happens in the middle of the valley there is a noise a sudden "rattling sound“. Praise God!
Maybe you’ve never heard this before!
Dry bones have ears, if only you can speak!
Mountains have ears only if you can command!
Your womb has ears!
Money can hear!
Cancer, fibroid, diabetes does have ear if you can preach to them!
when Ezekiel come face to face with dry bone he was only asked to do one thing, because they have ear even though they are bones and very dry.
v4, prophesy, to your situation, to your womb, because they respond to prophesy.
Every situation and circumstances have ears and they are capable of responding to prophesy. What u cannot see have ear.
They may not have physical ear but they have spiritual ears.
Your situation awaits instruction .... Your situation awaits direction, the spirit buying and selling in your life awaits order. If you fail to give order, it will remain like that.
Ephesians 3:20 - according, to the power that works in you. God will work according to the power that works in you.
As soon as Ezekiel prophesy, bones began to sort themselves out
If you can speak, your situation will be sorted. It’s not over for you!
Jarius thought it was over - his daughter was dead - but God hadn’t said it was over.
The man at the pool of Bethesda thought it was over because he couldn’t make it into the water, but God didn’t say it was over.
Everyone thought it was over for Daniel when he was thrown into the lion’s den, but God didn’t say it was.
Nebuchadnezzar thought it would be over for Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, but God said it wasn’t over.
Job’s wife thought it was over and encouraged her husband to curse God and die, but the Lord didn’t say it was over.
It Ain’t Over Until God Says It’s Over!
I don’t know WHAT the future holds...but I state with complete certainty that I know WHO holds my future!
When most people think it’s over, God asks, "Did I say it was over?"
Weeping may last for a night, but Joy comes in the morning.” It’s not over until God says it’s over.
It ain’t Over- until- God says it’s over because
A marriage can come back together-
A family can come back together-
A church can come back together-
A business can come back together-
A dream can come back together-
Hope can come back together-
(Why?) Cause it ain’t over….until God says it’s over.
Keep fighting. Keep praying. Keep fasting cause it ain’t over. No! Keep pressing….progressing. Keep moving cause it ain’t over. No! Keep reading…interceding. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Keep trying. Keep travailing cause it ain’t over. Keep living. Keep giving. Keep going cause it ain’t over! So keep fighting until the victory is won!!!!”
When people say you can’t, remember He can….He can. When you don’t know what to do, please remember He has the master plan.
Today, the Lord says to you….It ain’t over until He says it’s over! I don’t care what it looks like. It ain’t over until God says it’s over!!! God, and God alone has the final say! It ain’t over! God Bless and have a wonderful day.