Romans 8:37 says that "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (KJV). This means that believers in Jesus are empowered by God to have victory over sin and the things in this world that try to keep us from living a Godly life.
So what's the key to living in God's power? The anointing. The anointing is God's ability in you to enable you to do something with ease, without it being a struggle. Much like a car's engine eventually won't run very well without motor oil; trying to do life without the anointing will leave us with some issues.
Every one of us has a calling on our life. But not everyone does what they are called to do in life. Many times, people get distracted by other pursuits…get overwhelmed by a task that feels too big to handle…or they may even get caught up in trying to do what someone else is called to do. And if we're not living in God's will for our lives, we'll end up being anxious, sad and miserable.
Whatever the reason is for getting off track, lack of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is most likely at the root of it. You see, the Holy Spirit is our Helper, our Guide, our Teacher, and more. He is the One who leads each person to the work they are called to do. And He also supplies the anointing, or power, to do it.
So, it is in our best interest to seek and cultivate our own personal, intimate relationship with God first and foremost. Because it's through a personal relationship with Him that He will, by His Holy Spirit, lead and guide each of us according to His purpose and plan for our lives. And He will anoint, or enable us, to do what He has called each of us to do with our lives.
The secret is taking time to get satisfied with God Himself. God's presence – His love and grace – is what we really need to be fulfilled and have His power in our lives. But know that in this time, there is a lot going on. While we take the time to cultivate our relationship with God…simply loving Him and being loved by Him…we become consecrated to Him.
To be consecrated means to be set apart, or separated, for a purpose. It is a time for receiving discipline, guidance, wisdom and direction from the Lord. It's a personal time… between you and God…a time for you to learn His true character and how to trust His way and wait on His timing. You will also learn how to make yourself available as He is ready to use you.
The Holy Spirit decides when and how to use His vessels. Our part is simple – to be available. It's like this: If I want a drink of water, I go to my cupboard for a clean, empty glass to use. The glass doesn't ask me what I'm going to put in it…it is just there; ready and available for me to use when I need it. But what if all the glasses are dirty or filled with something I don't want? Then I won't be able to use any of them as I planned.
So, be like a clean, empty, available drinking glass. Your time "on the shelf," is simply time to prepare yourself, by building your relationship with God. Then you will be ready for the Holy Spirit to use you however and wherever He chooses.
Your part also includes realizing and understanding that you are anointed. Everyone is anointed for something…called to do something. First John 2:20 says, "But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." Believe that! Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I am anointed!"
It's very important to remember that we are anointed by the Holy Spirit. We are righteous by the power of Christ in our lives, so any effort on our part to be right by "doing" is like trying to sit in a chair you are already sitting in! Don't let yourself fall into the trap of trying to get something you already have. You are anointed!
The way to release and let that anointing flow in your life is simple: obedience to the Holy Spirit right now! Cultivate sensitivity to Him and learn to follow that "unction" in your heart (see 1 John 2:20). The anointing is for now…whether you are working on a detailed report for your boss, preparing a Sunday sermon for church, or making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your kids…you are anointed for this moment. Don't worry about when it will come; it is in you…right now!