Vangrace Compassion Ministries’ Kids Christmas Gift Program is aimed at providing a tangible descent Christmas gifts to orphaned children here at God’s Village. It’s annual end of year community Christmas Gift give out celebrations for all orphans under our care. James 1:27 ‘Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.’
The focus of the Christmas gift program is to share the joy of Christmas with children who have little or nothing, and to make a difference in their lives by making them feel special with an individually packed and named gift at Christmas. For many our children, this is the only gift they receive each year though some receive the surprise boxes.
Did you know that your Christmas gift to a vulnerable child can make an eternal impact? It can! Whether or not a sponsor, you can show these little ones the love of the Father. In fact, you can make their Christmases ones they will never forget.
Join us today and make a change in the lives of orphans through sending them Christmas gifts