Besides all those in her narrations Hope has been seen volunteering in various activities, as for Education programs always attending learning lessons and providing education/ academic services to the foster children and ever supervising them do their revision in order not to keep their minds idol. We all know and believe that education is the best and everlasting gift we can ever give to our children and of all things it’s the key to success once children are offered with education services their future becomes brightened.
Not only that but she also tries her level best to get involved in the spiritual motivations as a caregiver. Since Hope’s talent or gift is to sing she always leads in music when it comes to Christ fun moments where our foster children get time to do Godly fun like dancing gospel music bits, singing and play skits according to the bible like that of Esther when she was appointed as the next queen, memory verse moment where they get time and share verses as children and so many others.
When it comes to her leisure moments she mostly spends it with our foster girls sharing inspiring and educative stories, encouraging them, sharing her life experience with them and reminding them always that their presence is a paramount case for the future generation as long as they stay focused and determined to their goals. Not only to the foster girls but also the young foster kids who likes playing she also gives time to them and this gives them interesting playing moments.
Join Us today together with me Pastor Ivan Ssewankambo, comment, recognize and appreciate Hope’s in anyway as thy Holly Spirit or your heart feels for her great service towards our foster children. Together we do more “Serving God, Serving His Children and Living a Life for His Devine Purpose”.