You have been through the wringer and you don’t have much song left, be encouraged by today’s verse- the devil will do his best to keep you from singing your song.
Thinking God does not hear you or does not care about your life.
Psalms 40:1-5 read from bible
Some of us need this morning to clean the dirt off our face,
Wipe our eyes so we can see, shake ourselves off—
Trust God to give us a new song again
Sometimes God’s people (David writer of the psalm) (not any of us,) get ourselves in some pretty Slimy pits
Slippery slopes
During that period of time - we confuse God’s holy delay for a “non answer” and we get impatient, but that’s not the case
God has the option of responding with three ways:
We hate the wait, as much as a no if it is yes, i want it right now,
(v1) I waited patiently for the Lord, He turned to me and heard my cry...that tells me it didn’t happen right away, but God heard his cry.
***Realize when you cry out to God- you have His full attention
He does not have selective hearing like some of us.
Psalms 91:15- “He will call upon me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him. and honor him”
There are some things you need to know when you are calling out to God:
1.He will hear you and respond
2. He turned to me and heard my cry
Isaiah 49:8-“this is what the Lord says, “in the time of my favour I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you”
Isaiah 65:24- ‘before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.’
This is what the Lord says, He who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it, the Lord is His name, call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. You call, He will respond, with things you are searching answers
He responds because He loves you
If you only knew how much he cares for you.
He responds because he is listening for your call. ‘I am the Lord of Heaven and Earth, I will teach you unsearchable things.’
God sends out his help- we just usually give up before it gets there. We cash our chips of life in too early. A breakthrough is right around the corner
When we are calling out to the Lord- know He will help us.
“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire.’’
God wants to lift you out today out of the pit you are in
***you hear me, He wants to lift you out ***God is in the people business and he desires to take care of us.
They tell me the more you move around in quick sand the faster you sink. I would be in the panic mode if I fell in. God is throwing you a rope, and pulling you out when you are in quick sand- you can’t get out with your own efforts- you must have somebody pulling for you there may be joy in waiting, but when you are sinking, waiting is not your first choice.
We can take comfort that the Lord get’s no joy in watching us sink in troubles.
****There are many people in the bible who had failed...a t least by the world’s standard.
***Peter- when denying Jesus- roaster crowing 3x’s.
Elijah- saw the fire from heaven fall- defeated the prophets of Baal- saw the power of God on him and work through him but then came Jezebel, she wanted to destroy and kill him and he became discouraged and scared.
We have all had our high points and low points, and we have all had our Jezebels “hiding under the juniper tree and saying “oh God, let me die.”
God, I am not giving up I may not see you now, I may not feel you now, but I know you will rescue me.
P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens.
Some times we can fail without falling. We have seen many people failing in many aspects but they are not failures, they had battles they needed to overcome but you, you have the Lord on your side.
When you are calling out to the lord- know he will set your feet on firm ground
“He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand”
***some of you have been a Christian a long time. Think back to the hard times in the past.
Psalms 37:25- ‘I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken.
The lord has no intention of making people dwell forever in the past. “On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. He will pull us out and will set us on the rock
I don’t care what you have done, I don’t care where you have been, and today he can put you on solid ground. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalms 30
I may be hurting now, but it will not always be that way. He takes these hard times and helps us to stand firm on the rock (Jesus Christ), he wants us firmly planted in Him.
***I’m winding down***some people stop at the rescue part of the relationship with God, he’s saved your soul he wants to do much more for us.
You may not see the purpose in what you’re going through right now, but you may be able to make an impact on someone’s life.
Most of the mentioned people in the bible stumbled and fell; none of them were successful 100 percent of the time, except Jesus. They fell (as we can) without failing (as we can).
If you are discouraged, don’t blame God, God is for you, He is on your side. ***Dust yourself off, wipe the dirt from your eyes so you can see properly and sing.
V3- ‘’He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put trust in the Lord.’’
He puts the song, you start singing and praising. You can praise your way to victory this day.
You may not choose the circumstances, but you can change how you will respond to it today.
It may be muddy, but hang in there, white knuckled if you have too blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion, in the secret place of his tabernacle. He shall hide me. He shall set me upon a high rock.
Some of you may have to suck it up and trust god to get you to the other side “you might be one minute away from a breakthrough “wait patiently” “but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles.” They shall run and not faint
Today you can get the victory if you believe it today. God is doing some great things in these last days
He will respond, rescue, and restore you if you will let him.